(born April 1935 in Baghdad) (Arabic, مقبل الزهاوى) is an Iraqi ceramicist. His creative & powerful sculptures and reliefs have been exhibited in museums, galleries, international shows, studios, and private residences throughout the U.S., Western Europe, and the Middle East. Al-Zahawi's works derive inspiration from African Art, select Western artists, and his background as an Iraqi Muslim. (Wikipedia)
I came to America in 1952 "Very few Americans at the time knew of Iraq. I found it difficult for people to understand me, my interests, and my background."
"My first formal art class was on portrait drawing & sketching at Santa Ana Junior College. I immediately fell in love with art.
After I moved to Europe I felt more at ease to explore my art, especially in Geneva and London."
With Zahawi's style....Simple materials are transformed imaginatively into evocative, unexpected even humorous symbols.... an exciting aesthetic experience.
Glyn Uzzell, (1971)
“The Three Warriors”
“I love this series of sculptures which I created in the early 1970s. I was experimenting in how I could defy physics to create clay sculptures of that size (8-9 feet high) without breaking them This series really anchored my subsequent exhibits with their power of togetherness.”
"We lived in Saleikh and I went to the Jesuit school, which was very strict. But it helped instill a sense of discipline in my life.
I loved creativity from a young age and played instruments like the piano at the age of three.
In the 1940s and 50s, men were not encouraged to pursue art but my family did not mind and supported my interests."
In Zahawi's work you will find sculptures that speak of power and strength, of sensuality, of calligraphy and ancient wisdom!
إذا سألوني لم أقل ما يقوله الجمهورُ إنَّهم مِن أوهامهم في إسارٍ ولقد لا يرضيهُمُ التَّحريرُ وإذا لم يكن هنالك رأيٌ ليَ أفضي به فلا أستعيرُ، ربَّ أمرٍ يقول في شأنه العقلُ نقيضَ الذي يقول الضميرُ ثمراتُ الأحراثِ لا تتساوى ........هذه حنطةٌ وهذا شعيرُ
My Fond Memories Of Iraq
“I do have very fond memories of spending the hot summer days in the cooler basement of our home in Saleikh and sleeping on the roof on those hot summer nights.”
“I also remember enjoying many fruits in our garden, like oranges, mandarins, figs, tomatoes and vegetables. I was so fond of it that I recreated a similar garden in my home in Riverside, CA, which reminded me of my more innocent youth in Iraq.
Here are some of my favorite Iraqi food:
“I really loved the Chalghee (Parties) at my aunt’s house with dancers, singers, and musicians to entertain the family and guests.”
My Last Visit To Iraq
“The last time I visited Iraq was in 1977 when I was invited to do an exhibition in Baghdad. It was an incredible honor to showcase my art including the ‘Three Warriors.’ Sadly because of the political turmoil in the country, I never returned. But I never stopped feeling incredibly proud of my country, my people, and my history.”